Forever Together Marriage Training
Building Your Marriage on a Firm Foundation

Couple's Communication

Class runs 4 weeks

Class time and dates to be determined by attendees

Cost is $125 and includes your materials

Class is limited so register early (registration form below)


In COUPLE COMMUNICATION, you and your partner learn 11 practical and effective talking and listening skills for better decision-making, conflict resolution, and anger management. Whether gained through pre-marriage preparation, marriage education, or counseling, these interpersonal tools help you build a more satisfying and fulfilling collaborative relationship.

COUPLE COMMUNICATION I teaches a practical set of talking and listening skills, plus other processes. It includes:

Recognizing the 7 Ingredients of a Collaborative Marriage — a healthy relationship

Choosing Communication StylesTM — with a map for you to:

  • Identify ineffective and effective ways of talking and listening
  • Improve the quality of your communication

Using the Awareness WheelTM — a tool to:

  • Understand yourself and situations better, a foundation for effective communication
  • Apply 6 talking skills to connect in a clear and constructive way

Applying the Listening CycleTM — a guide to:

  • Tune in accurately to your partner
  • Use 5 productive listening skills

Mapping Issues — a 9-step process that combines the talking and listening skills for you to:

  • Make decisions and resolve conflicts collaboratively

Gain skills and tools that improve every aspect of your life — with your partner, your family and friends, and with people at work and elsewhere.

In COUPLE COMMUNICATION I, you and your partner learn to:

  • Communicate together more effectively
  • Make better decisions together
  • Create faster, better resolutions to conflict
  • Increase satisfaction as you strengthen your relationship

Learning Formats and Methods

You and your partner participate in one of two formats:

  • In a group with an instructor and several other couples
    (in sessions totaling 8 hours)
  • By yourselves as a couple with an instructor
    (often six 50-minute sessions)

Enjoy Gaining Your New Skills Through:

  • Explanations of the concepts, skills, and processes
  • Demonstrations of the skills and processes
  • Practice of skills and processes with real issues of your own choice (appropriate for the setting), using skills mats – innovative tools – to speed learning
  • Coaching and feedback on your use of skills
  • Application of your learning in real situations between sessions